Welcome to a Terrific Learning Community!

Principal Brenner
“I believe all children can learn, I believe what contributes the most to student success is when a student feels valued. Students must feel they belong. Students who possess good relationships with their teachers are more likely to engage in tasks even when they are not tasks the student enjoys or feels they are good at. They are more likely to take risks and challenge themselves.”
Terry Brenner is a Racine native who taught 8th grade English Language Arts for about 15 years in the Racine Unified School District before she served as a principal at two schools there.
Brenner is returning to Wisconsin after serving in principalships in the states of Washington and California while following her husband’s job relocations over the past nine years. She currently serves as Director of Educational and Administrative Services for the Millbrae Elementary School District, a TK-8 district in suburban San Francisco. She was principal of Millbrae’s only middle school before becoming a district director. Prior to Millbrae, she spent three years as principal of Harvest Park Middle School in the nearby Pleasanton Unified School District.
Brenner earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from UW-Parkside and teaching certification from Carthage College, both in Kenosha, before getting her Master in Education at Aurora University in 2003. She received a certificate in Administrative Leadership and Supervision from National Louis University in 2009.